DIY Pistachio Shell Wall Decor

Pussy Willow Final Pic w WM.jpg

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Affiliate links are included within this post for your convenience and a video tutorial is also posted below for additional help when creating your pussy willow wall art.

Step One

Find a piece of wood. Taller and skinny works great for this project but you can mix it up and do it on a shorter piece of wood too. Use what you have and make the pussy willow branches work for what you’ve got!

Step Two

Mix brown and black paint for the branch. Begin by painting the branches and small stems onto the piece of wood (you can always draw them on with a pencil first, if you are unsure about placement).

Step Three

Next, eat the pistachios!! When you have the shells left, lay them out where you think they will look best before gluing anything down. Once placement is determined, go ahead and hot glue the shells directly to the board. It worked best to add the glue at the bottom the shell, where it has a wider frame and will adhere more to the piece of wood.

Step Four

Lastly, paint the shells white. THAT’S IT!!!

That is it!! It is such an easy project and has such a HUGE impact!! I love this beautiful project for very little $$. We would love to see what you have been working on, so send us photos of your pussy willow projects on any of our social media platforms.



